
This page details the process of submitting a solution to the leaderbaord.

Save your solution: json format#

If you directly used the invrs-gym in generating your solution, you should have a params pytree available containing Density2DArray objects and perhaps other parameters. This can be saved to json format by,

from totypes import json_utils

serialized = json_utils.json_from_pytree(params)
with open("my_solution.json", "w") as f:

Save your solution: csv format#

If you generated solutions using your own implementation of a gym challenge, you can still submit solutions to most challenges without manually generating a params pytree. Simply save the density array as a csv file using your method of choice. Important: this method only works for challenges where the design variables contain a single density array. Also, when your solution is evaluated, default values are used for design variables other than the density.

How to contribute your solutions#

  • Clone this repository

  • Install via pip install .

  • Add your solution to the appropriate directory, following the filename convention challenges/{CHALLENGE_NAME}/solutions/{YYMMDD}_{GITHUB_USERNAME}_{ID}.json. The ID may be any meaningful string of your choosing.

  • Modify the in the challenge directory to include your submission. Please link any publication or code that is relevant.

  • Run python scripts/, which will detect new designs and add them to the appropriate leaderboard files

  • Submit a PR for review. A github action will re-run the evaluation of your designs and ensure they match the leaderboard updates.